
Monthly Number of Visitors to Um Rasas by Nationality [2017]

These data represent the number of monthly visitors to Um Al-Basat by nationality


Field Value
Title English Monthly Number of Visitors to Um Rasas by Nationality
Title Arabic عدد زوار ام الرصاص الشهري حسب الجنسية
Description English These data represent the number of monthly visitors to Um Al-Basat by nationality
Description Arabic هذه البيانات تمثل عدد زوار ام الرصاص الشهري حسب الجنسية
Slug Name monthly-number-of-visitors-to-um-rasas-by-nationality-54-2017
Government Entity Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities
Resources Count 4
Total Downloads 50
Data Sectors Tourism and Archeology
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 20:06 (UTC)
Created April 13, 2017, 06:16 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2017