momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The cumulative average age of retirees at maturity by gender nationality and type of pension
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of beneficiaries of lump sum compensation by gender nationality and reason for compensat
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The numbers of insured women who paid maternity leave allowance
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Number of active insured persons who are voluntarily affiliated by gender and monthly wage category
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of active voluntarily affiliated insured persons by gender and age group
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Number of active compulsory insured persons by gender nationality and governorate
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Number of active compulsory insured persons by gender nationality and branch management
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The numbers of the insured who paid unemployment allowance
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of active covered establishments in which there is at least one active insured person
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Number of effective covered establishments by economic activity
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of active establishments and the active compulsorily insured persons by governorate and e
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The numbers of the effective beneficiaries of retirement salaries due to the death of the insured or
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of retirees cumulatively according to the type of pension and the monthly pension categor
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The cumulative number of retirees by gender nationality and type of pension
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of new retirees by gender nationality and type of pension in 2022
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of work injuries and occupational diseases by gender nationality and the result of the i
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Total numbers of active insured persons by gender nationality and monthly wage category
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Total numbers of active insured persons by gender nationality and governorate
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Total numbers of active insured persons by gender nationality and age group
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The numbers of the insured are necessarily according to gender nationality and governorate
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of active insured persons compulsory by gender nationality and governorate as in 2018
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of effective covered facilities according to economic activity as in 2018
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Preparing the eligible persons for unemployment benefits by gender and duration of unemployment
قبل شهرين -
momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The number of retired persons cumulatively according to the type of pension and the monthly pension
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات The numbers of new retirees according to the type of pension and the monthly pension category in 201
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Numbers of new retirees by gender facility ownership and type of pension in 2018
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Numbers of new retirees by gender nationality and type of pension in 2018
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Numbers of work injuries and occupational diseases by gender nationality and outcome of injury
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Total Active Insured Persons by gender Nationality and Establishment Ownership as in 2018
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Total number of active insureds by gender nationality and monthly wage category as in 2018
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momin updated the مجموعة بيانات Total number of active insureds by gender nationality and governorate as in 2018
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