
Official books for the board of directors [2023]

Official books for the board of directors


Field Value
Title English Official books for the board of directors
Title Arabic كتب رسمية خاصة بمجلس الادارة
Description English Official books for the board of directors
Description Arabic كتب رسمية خاصة بمجلس الادارة
Slug Name official-books-for-the-board-of-directors-2714-2023
Government Entity Cities and Villages Development Bank
Resources Count 1
Total Downloads 2
Data Sectors Provinces and Municipalities
Keyword Tags English Official books for the board of directors
Keyword Tags Arabic كتب رسمية خاصة بمجلس الادارة
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 21:59 (UTC)
Created September 4, 2023, 07:15 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2023