
The names of the schools and their principals in the Petra [2021]

This group represents the names of schools in the Petra


Field Value
Title English The names of the schools and their principals in the Petra
Title Arabic أسماء المدارس و مدرائها في لواء البترا
Description English This group represents the names of schools in the Petra
Description Arabic تمثل هذه المجموعة أسماء المدارس في لواء البتراء
Slug Name the-names-of-the-schools-and-their-principals-in-the-petra-982-2021
Government Entity Petra Development & Tourism Region Authority
Resources Count 1
Total Downloads 1
Data Sectors Education and culture
Keyword Tags English The teacher
the principal's name
Keyword Tags Arabic اسم المدير
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 20:45 (UTC)
Created September 6, 2021, 06:33 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2021