
Elevations above sea level of population centers and the highest peaks in the Petra [2021]

This group represents the heights above sea level of the population centers and the highest peaks in the Petra


Field Value
Title English Elevations above sea level of population centers and the highest peaks in the Petra
Title Arabic الارتفاعات عن مستوى سطح البحر للتجمعات السكانية وأعلى القمم في إقليم البترا
Description English This group represents the heights above sea level of the population centers and the highest peaks in the Petra
Description Arabic تمثل هذه المجموعة الارتفاعات عن مستوى سطح البحر للتجمعات السكانية وأعلى القمم في إقليم البترا
Slug Name elevations-above-sea-level-of-population-centers-and-the-highest-peaks-in-the-petra-871-2021
Government Entity Petra Development & Tourism Region Authority
Resources Count 1
Total Downloads 1
Data Sectors Maps and Geographic locations
Keyword Tags English Area name
Keyword Tags Arabic اسم المنطقة
State active
Private False
Last Updated January 12, 2025, 20:44 (UTC)
Created May 27, 2021, 08:30 (UTC)
Dataset Year 2021