معلومات إضافية

حقل القيمة
آخر تحديث 12 يناير 2025
أنشئت 30 نوفمبر 2014
تنسيق application/vnd.ms-excel
الترخيص فتح الرخصة الأردنية
createdقبل 10 سنوات
datastore activeFalse
datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
description arabicMales (M) and Females (F) Mean Scores and Effect Size (ES) of the Gender Difference in TIMSS, PISA, NAfKE, and NT by Subject and School TypeGender Gap 2014
display descriptionMales (M) and Females (F) Mean Scores and Effect Size (ES) of the Gender Difference in TIMSS, PISA, NAfKE, and NT by Subject and School TypeGender Gap 2014
display nameMales (M) and Females (F) Mean Scores and Effect Size (ES) of the Gender Difference in TIMSS, PISA, NAfKE, and NT by Subject and School TypeGender Gap 2014
download count1
has viewsTrue
last modifiedقبل شهرين
metadata modifiedقبل شهرين
name arabicMales (M) and Females (F) Mean Scores and Effect Size (ES) of the Gender Difference in TIMSS, PISA, NAfKE, and NT by Subject and School TypeGender Gap 2014
package idMIGRATED-860-2014
size40 كيلوبايت
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Reason: This file had not been downloaded at the time of scoring it. URL extension "xls" relates to format "XLS" and receives score: 2.
Checked: 13 يناير 2025